
Don't Mistake Lack of Talent for Genius.

Portfolio of Work

It took a few months, but I finally built a better section to showcase my professional work. I'll probably end up changing it again, but it's better than the previous page. Below is an overview of my work and background. It does not include a stack of on-the-record material, or any creative writing. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions.

Mike Paparo (singer) and Joe Kerkes (bass) of doom metal band Inter Arma. Photo courtesy of myself.

Mike Paparo (singer) and Joe Kerkes (bass) of doom metal band Inter Arma. Photo courtesy of myself.


Here is a copy of my background and experience. I'm very proud of my career accomplishments, the constituents I served and the businesses I've represented. Please select this link to view my resume.

US Capitol a few days before President Obama's inauguration. January 2009. Photo courtesy of myself.

US Capitol a few days before President Obama's inauguration. January 2009. Photo courtesy of myself.


During my time with Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Congressman Jim Costa (D-CA 16), I had the opportunity to craft a variety of public policy. Below you'll find a list of legislation, letters and speeches I wrote. Simply select the link to read the bill, speech or letter.

Senator Chuck Schumer

S. 1424 - Farm, Nutrition, and Community Investment Act of 2007. 110th Congress. 1st Session.

Amendment 4309 to S. 2766. 109th Congress. 2nd Session. Provide funds for the procurement of hemostatic agents for use by members of the Armed Forces in the field.

Hemostatic Agent Amendment Support Letter - June 19, 2006

Testimony of Senator Charles E. Schumer to the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health. June 14-16, 2006.

Congressman Jim Costa

Public Law 110-317 - August 29, 2008. Ensures full payment of bonuses and similar benefits for members of the Armed Forces who receives a sole survivorship discharge. 

HR 4122. American Investment in Safe, Reliable High-Speed Rail Act. To support the development of high-speed rail in the United States. 110th Congress. 1st Session. November 8, 2007.

HR 4123. High-Speed Rail Authority Development and Formation Act. To provide for the creation of a National High-Speed Rail Authority. 110th Congress. 1st Session. November 8, 2007.

H. Res. 1327. Congratulating the 2008 Fresno State Bulldogs, the 2008 NCAA Baseball Champions. July 15, 2008. 

Congressman Jim Costa Floor Speech for 94th Armenian Genocide Commemoration. April 22, 2009. Extension of Remarks.

House Foreign Affairs Committee. Questions to Secretary of State Clinton. April 29, 2009.

Letter to Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood. February 18, 2009.